
How to Make Money With Facebook


  • The first step to making money with facebook is to go to the main cloud crowd application page by logging in to your facebook account and then going to the cloud crowd application page by searching for "cloudcrowd" in the facebook search bar.

      • Next, when you get to the "cloudcrowd" application. Go ahead and sign up for a account.

          • Next, after you have signed up, you will be taken to the main "cloudcrowd" web page. Click  on   the "Available work" tab.

              • Next, you will be taken to a web page where you will see different projects that you can do for money. Each project will have the price you will be paid for the project out beside the project. Choose one of the projects.

                  • Lastly, once you have chosen and clicked on one of the projects or tasks, you will be taken to the main project page. Follow the provided online directions and complete the project to be paid for the project. To continue making money, go back and keep completing projects.

                  Tips & Warnings:

                  • "cloudcrowd" is a free service that will pay you to do online projects and task and is owned and operated by facebook.com.
                  • You will receive your "cloudcrowd" earnings via paypal.com.


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