
دليل السفارات والقنصليات الأجنبية فى مصر

العنوان : فيلا 11ميدان المساحة - الدقى - الجيزة
تليفون : 33353693-33353696-33355958-33355937
فاكس : 33353699
بريد الألكترونى : ethio@ethioembassy.org.eg

العنوان : 22 شارع حسين عاصم , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 33583761-33583783-33583790
فاكس : 27361228
الموقع : http://www.azembassy.org.eg
بريد الألكترونى : azsefqahira@link.net

العنوان : 20ش محمد مظهر- الزمالك . القاهرة
تليفون : 27374159-27374157
فاكس : 27374158
الموقع : http://www.armembegypt.com
بريد الألكترونى : armegyptembassy@mfa.am

العنوان : 6 شارع لطفى الله , الزمالك . القاهرة
تليفون : 27353589-27365137
فاكس : 27368123
بريد الألكترونى :

العنوان : 6 شارع الفلاح , المهندسين . الجيزة
تليفون : 33033503 -33454254
فاكس : 33030516
بريد الألكترونى : eritembe@yahoo.com

العنوان : 41 شارع اسماعيل محمد -الزمالك . القاهرة
تليفون : 27355813-27356437-27356462-27353652
فاكس : 27352132
بريد الألكترونى : embespeg@mail.mae.es

العنوان : 1191 كورنيش النيل ,مبنى التجارة العالمى الدور 11 بولاق, القاهرة
تليفون : 25750444
فاكس : 25781638
بريد الألكترونى : cairo.austremb@dfat.gov.au

العنوان : 6 شارع ابن مالك- الجيزة
تليفون : 33321500 -33321523
فاكس : 33321555

افريقيا الوسطى
العنوان : 14 شارع محمد صالح , الدقى , الجيزه
تليفون : 37629481
فاكس : 37629482
بريد الألكترونى : Ambcentrafrique@yahoo.fr

العنوان : 59 شارع العروبة -مصر الجديدة . القاهرة
تليفون : 24177236
فاكس : 24177238
بريد الألكترونى : embafghancairo@yahoo.com

العنوان : 8 شارع الصالح ايوب , الزمالك . القاهرة
تليفون : 27351501-27366862-27367765-27355234
فاكس : 27364355
بريد الألكترونى : argemb@idsc.net.eg

العنوان : 6 شارع باسم الكاتب , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37499912-37486169-37485566
فاكس : 37487543
بريد الألكترونى : jocairo2@ie-eg.com

الإمارات العربية المتحدة
العنوان : 4 شارع ابن سينا- الجيزة
تليفون : 37766101-37766102-35701882-0122370000
فاكس : 35700844-33604214-35706750
بريد الألكترونى : uaecairo@hotmail.com

الاتحاد الاوروبي
العنوان : 37 شارع جامعة الدول العربية,الدور ال 11 المهندسين-مبني الفؤاد
تليفون : 27494680
فاكس : 27495363

العنوان : 33 شارع اسماعيل محمد , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27372776-27367355-27361839
فاكس : 27361841
بريد الألكترونى : ecuademb@link.net

العنوان : 27 شارع الجزيرة الوسطي , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27361815
فاكس : 27356966

العنوان : 1125 شارع كورنيش النيل , ماسبيرو
تليفون : 25756938-25773013-25761466- 25756877
فاكس : 25774860
الموقع : http://www.brazilembcairo.org
بريد الألكترونى : brasemb@soficom.com.eg

العنوان : 1 ش الصالح ايوب , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27350779-27350781
فاكس : 27350790-27350799
بريد الألكترونى : embpcai@link.net

البوسنه والهرسك
العنوان : 42 شارع الثوره , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37499191
فاكس : 37499190
بريد الألكترونى : ambbih@link.net

العنوان : 2شارع الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37485759-37485531-37485469
فاكس : 37485892
الموقع : http://www.Mfa.cz/cairo
بريد الألكترونى : cairo@embassy.mzv.cz

العنوان : 59 ش سوريا , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33053908-33043973
فاكس : 33034249

العنوان : 14 شارع البرازيل , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27361520-27368527-27380363 - 27352466
فاكس : 27364158
بريد الألكترونى : nov54@link.net

العنوان : 12 شارع حسن صبرى , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27396500
فاكس : 27396588
بريد الألكترونى : caiamb@um.dk

العنوان : 46 شارع عبد المنعم رياض , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33460946-33460896
فاكس : 33461039

العنوان : 3 شارع الإبراهيمى , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27949661-27947093
فاكس : 27942693

العنوان : 13 شارع محمد مظهر , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27289200
فاكس : 27354357
الموقع : http://www.embassyofsweden.org/
بريد الألكترونى : ambassaden.kairo@foreign.ministry.se

العنوان : 27 شارع الصومال, الدقى, الجيزة
تليفون : 33374038
فاكس : 33374577

العنوان : 14 شارع بهجت على , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27361219
فاكس : 27359459-27352318
الموقع : http://eg.china-embassy.org/ara/
بريد الألكترونى : webmaster_eg@mfa.gov.cn

العنوان : 1 شارع عبدالمنعم رياض , ميدان الثوره , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 37622732-37622731
فاكس : 37622518-37622516
الموقع : http://www.iraqembassy.org.eg
بريد الألكترونى : info@iraqcairo.com

العنوان : 5 شارع محمد مظهر,الزماللك
تليفون : 27352250
فاكس : 27356152
بريد الألكترونى : nunteg@yahoo.com

العنوان : فيلا 28 , شارع 200 , ش دجله , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 25213064-25213065
فاكس : 25213048
بريد الألكترونى : cairope@dfa.gov.ph\pecairo@link.net

العنوان : 15 شارع محمد صدقى سليمان , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33441114-33441101-33033714
فاكس : 33459208-33033714
بريد الألكترونى : ambacam@link.net

الكونغو الديموقراطيه
العنوان : 5 شارع المنصور محمد , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27353662-27361069-27367954
فاكس : 27354342

العنوان : 12 شارع نبيل الوقاد , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37602661-37602662-37602663-37602664
فاكس : 37602657

العنوان : 2 شارع برلين , من شارع حسن صبرى , الزمالك ,القاهرة
تليفون : 37399600
فاكس : 37360530
بريد الألكترونى : germemb@tedata.net.eg

العنوان : 29 شارع محمد مظهر , الزمالك, القاهرة
تليفون : 27358659-27358634-27356478
فاكس : 27358648-27370018
بريد الألكترونى : huembcairo@tedata.net.eg

العنوان : 10 شارع صلاح الدين , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27359849-27359677-27353351
فاكس : 27361937
بريد الألكترونى : morocemb@link.net

العنوان : 17 شارع بورسعيد , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23580256-23580258-23580259
فاكس : 23591887
الموقع : http://www.sre.gob.mx/egipto
بريد الألكترونى : oficial@embamexcairo.com

المملكة العربية السعودية
العنوان : 2شارع احمد نسيم , الجيزة
تليفون : 37493082 - 37614308
فاكس : 37493495
الموقع : http://www.mofa.gov.sa/detail.asp?InServiceID=201&intemplatekey=MainPage
بريد الألكترونى : egemb@mofa.gov.sa

العنوان : 8 شارع الجزيره , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27353340-27363955
فاكس : 27370709
الموقع : http://www.norway-egypt.org
بريد الألكترونى : embcai@mfa.no

العنوان : برج الرياض , 5 شارع ويصا واصف , شارع كورنيش النيل , الجيزة
تليفون : 35702975
فاكس : 35702979
الموقع : http://www.austriaegypt.org
بريد الألكترونى : kairo-ob@bmaa.gv.at

العنوان : 101 شارع الهرم , الجيزة
تليفون : 33865607-33865617-33865370
فاكس : 33865690

العنوان : 5 شارع عزيز اباظه , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27363051-27356053-27360052
فاكس : 27364038
بريد الألكترونى : estt@indembcairo.org

الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
العنوان : 8 شارع كمال الدين صلاح , جاردن سيتى
تليفون : 27973300
فاكس : 27973200-27972611
الموقع : http://cairo.usembassy.gov/usis3.htm

العنوان : 18 كورنيش النيل المعادي
تليفون : 25285910
فاكس : 25285905
الموقع : http://www.eg.emb-japan.go.jp/
بريد الألكترونى : center@embjapan.org.eg

العنوان : 28 شارع أمين الرفاعى , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37490508-33386618-37614225
فاكس : 37604815-37604815
إسم المسؤول : اسم السفير: د. عبد الولى الشميرى
بريد الألكترونى : yemen@yemenembssy-cairo.com

العنوان : 18 شارع عائشة التيمورية , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27955915-27950443-27951074
فاكس : 27963903
بريد الألكترونى : embassy@hellas.org.com

العنوان : 7شارع احمد راغب , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27940852
فاكس : 27940859
الموقع : http://www.fco.gov.uk\en\
بريد الألكترونى : info@britishembassy.org.eg

العنوان : 12 فؤاد محى الدين , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33377602-37498259
فاكس : 33378683
الموقع : http://www.angolaeg.net/
بريد الألكترونى : angola@access.net

العنوان : 13 شارع عائشه التيمورية , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27947200-27947209-27925451
فاكس : 27962495

العنوان : 18 شارع السد العالي ,الدقي
تليفون : 33361723-33364516
فاكس : 33361722

العنوان : 66 طريق 10 , المعادى , القاهره
تليفون : 23802514-23802489
فاكس : 23802504
بريد الألكترونى : ugembco@link.net

العنوان : 50 شارع 83 , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23786870-23786871
فاكس : 23786873
بريد الألكترونى : emb_eg@mfa.gov.ua

العنوان : 12 شارع رفاء , ميدان المساحه , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37496820-37487237-37487641
فاكس : 37496821-37487626

العنوان : 3 شارع ابوالفدا , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27358264-27358547-27364653
فاكس : 27362863

العنوان : 26 شارع شريف باشا , وسط البلد , القاهرة
تليفون : 23925573-23925714
فاكس : 23931101

العنوان : 15 شارع عبد الرحمن فهمى , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27943194-27943195-27940658
فاكس : 27940657
بريد الألكترونى : ambcairo@brainy1.ie-eg.com

العنوان : 17 شارع بورسعيد , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23782882-27510360
فاكس : 27510360
بريد الألكترونى : embapareipto@hotmail.com

العنوان : 8 الشهيد محمود شوري طلعت , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37487677-37487806
فاكس : 37480310
بريد الألكترونى : parepcairo@hotmail.com\cairoparep@yahoo.com

بروناي دار السلام
العنوان : 24 شارع حسن عصام الزماللك
تليفون : 27380097
فاكس : 27366375
بريد الألكترونى : ebdic@intouh.com

العنوان : 27 شارع الرياض,المهندسين
تليفون : 33024301-33024302
فاكس : 33441997

العنوان : 20شارع كامل الشناوى , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27947494
فاكس : 27943147
بريد الألكترونى : cairo@diplobel.org

العنوان : 6شارع الملك الافضل , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27363025- 27366077
فاكس : 27363826
بريد الألكترونى : bulembcai@link.net

العنوان : 20 شارع جزيرة العرب , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33462003-33462009
فاكس : 33462008
بريد الألكترونى : bdoot@link.net

العنوان : 4-أ شارع ابن زانكى , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27361093-27361094-27369034
فاكس : 27361092
بريد الألكترونى : panaembcon@infinity.com.eg

العنوان : 22 شارع وادى النيل , المعادى , القاهره
تليفون : 23808956-23808963
فاكس : 23806974

العنوان : 24 شارع محمد مظهر , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27357712- 27357716

العنوان : 5شارع عزيز عثمان , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27359583-27367456-0105485500
فاكس : 27355427
الموقع : http://www.kair.polemb.net
بريد الألكترونى : secretary@kair.polemb.net

العنوان : 21ب شارع عمان , من محى الدين ابوالعز , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37624361-37624362-37624363
فاكس : 37624360
بريد الألكترونى : Emboolivia_cairo@yahoo.com-embolivia

العنوان : 41 شارع النهضه , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23590306-23590406
فاكس : 27509011
بريد الألكترونى : emperucairo@yahoo.es

بيلا روسيا
العنوان : 26 شارع جابر بن حيان , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 33389545-37499171
فاكس : 33389545
بريد الألكترونى : egypt@belembassy.org

العنوان : 9 شارع طيبة , الدقى , الجيزه
تليفون : 37603554- 37603553-33367005
فاكس : 37605076
بريد الألكترونى : royalthai@link.net

العنوان : 25 شارع الفلكى , باب اللوق , القاهرة
تليفون : 27948364-27963318-27944850 -27943736
فاكس : 27958110
بريد الألكترونى : turkemb@tedata.net.eg

العنوان : 12 ميدان الرفاعى , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 33373379-37494461
فاكس : 33373232

العنوان : 10 شارع أنس بن مالك , المهندسين , الجيزه
تليفون : 33374155
فاكس : 33374286
بريد الألكترونى : tanrepcairo@infinity.com.eg

العنوان : 26شارع الجزيرة , الزمالك , القاهره
تليفون : 27362291-27362292-27368962-27354940
فاكس : 27362479

جزر القمر
العنوان : 2 شارع طهران ,الدقي
تليفون : 33376114-27608517
فاكس : 27625908

جزر مارشال
العنوان : 8 شارع محمد بيومى , ارض الجولف , هيليوبوليس
تليفون : 24174246
فاكس : 2918828

جمهورية الدومنيكان
العنوان : 11 شارع الحجاز , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33376800 - 0107103716
فاكس : 33376800
بريد الألكترونى : embadominicanacairo@hotmail.com / embadominicana@hotmail.com

جمهورية بورندى
العنوان : 27 ش الرياض , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33024301-33024302
فاكس : 33441997
بريد الألكترونى : wwwburembca@link.com

جنوب افريقيا
العنوان : 55 شارع 18 , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23594365-23594940-23594952-23594975
فاكس : 23595015
بريد الألكترونى : saembcai@tedata.net.eg

العنوان : 17 شارع بورسعيد , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23591498-23802914
فاكس : 23802915
بريد الألكترونى : embegipto@minex.gob.gt

العنوان : 28 شارع السد العالى , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 33359024-33359034
فاكس : 33366129
بريد الألكترونى : geoembeg@link.com.eg

العنوان : فيلا رقم 15 , شارع د/ محمد عبده السعيد , من شارع النهضه , الدقى , الجيزه
تليفون : 33366434-33366435 - 33366436
فاكس : 33366437
بريد الألكترونى : Ambassade1977@hotmail.com

العنوان : 21ب شارع عمان , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 33351479-33379947-33379948

العنوان : 95 شارع الجيزه , الجيزه
تليفون : 37489353-37489354
فاكس : 37609074
بريد الألكترونى : ruemeg@tedata.net.eg

العنوان : 6شارع الكامل محمد الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27360107-27359546
فاكس : 27360851
بريد الألكترونى : roembegy@link.net

العنوان : 21 شارع الشيخ محمد الغزالى , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37610281-37610282
فاكس : 27610833
بريد الألكترونى : zamembcai@yahoo.com

العنوان : 40 شارع غزة , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33059743-33030404
فاكس : 33059741

سان مارينو
العنوان : 5 شارع راميز , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 37602718
فاكس : 33939362

سري لانكا
العنوان : 8 شارع سري لانكا, , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27350047-27354966
فاكس : 27367138
الموقع : http://www.lankaemb-egypt.com
بريد الألكترونى : slembare@menanet.net

العنوان : 3 شارع عادل حسين رستم , الدقى
تليفون : 33358240-33357544-33376901
فاكس : 33355810
بريد الألكترونى : zukahira@tedata.net.eg

العنوان : 21 شارع سليمان اباظه , من جامعه الدول العربيه , المهندسين , الجيزه
تليفون : 37491771-37499878
فاكس : 37497141
بريد الألكترونى : vka@gov.si

العنوان : 40شارع بابل , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37495045-37490468
فاكس : 37481862-33374744
بريد الألكترونى : singemb@link.net&singemb@sgmfa.gov.sg

العنوان : 18 شارع عبدالرحيم صبرى , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 33358805-33358806--27495124-37495210
فاكس : 33358232
بريد الألكترونى : www.syr_embassy@yahoo.com

العنوان : 10 شارع عبد الخالق ثروت , القاهرة
تليفون : 25758284
فاكس : 25745236
الموقع : http://www.eda.admin.ch/cairo
بريد الألكترونى : vertretung@cai.rep.admin.ch

العنوان : 32 شارع سعيد عفيفى , ارض الجولف , هيليوبوليس , القاهره
تليفون : 26903977-26903979
فاكس : 26903981
بريد الألكترونى : Amb-soliman@hotmail.com

العنوان : 1 شارع الصالح ايوب , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27358446- 27358711-27358446
فاكس : 27353716

صربيا ومنتنيجرو
العنوان : 33 شارع منصور محمد , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27354061-27365494-27367094
فاكس : 27353193
بريد الألكترونى : serbia_cairo@yahoo.com

العنوان : 29 شارع طه حسين , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27373181-27373182-27373183-27350794
فاكس : 27373188

العنوان : 1شارع 26 يوليو , ميدان لبنان , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33444455-33032290-33032293
فاكس : 33032292
بريد الألكترونى : ghmfa23@rite.com

غينيا كونكرى
العنوان : 46 شارع محمد مظهر , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27358109-27358408
فاكس : 27361446

العنوان : 29شارع شارل دى جول , الجيزة
تليفون : 25673200
فاكس : 25673201
بريد الألكترونى : question@ambafrance-eg.org

العنوان : 33 شارع النهضه , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 33782882-37510360
فاكس : 33782882-37510360
بريد الألكترونى : embaparegipto@hotmail.com

العنوان : 15أشارع المنصور محمد , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27364332-27363517
فاكس : 27367373
بريد الألكترونى : embvenez@tedata.net.eg ; eov@idsc.net.eg

العنوان : 3ش أبو الفدا ، الزمالك ، القاهرة
تليفون : 27363722-27352801-27361487
فاكس : 27355170-27371376
بريد الألكترونى : sanomat.kai@formain.fi

العنوان : 8 ش المدينة المنورة , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : -27617309-37617309
فاكس : 33368612
بريد الألكترونى : vinaemb@yahoo.com; vinaembeg@mofa.gov.un

العنوان : 17 ش عمر طوسون , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33455968-33455967-33455494
فاكس : 33455969
بريد الألكترونى : cyembcairo2@access.com.eg

العنوان : 10شارع الثمار , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 37604312-27604693-37604694-37605501
فاكس : 37603618-37610901

قنصليه اماره موناكو
العنوان : 1 شارع الساده , هيليوبوليس , القاهرة
تليفون : 24524496-24545021
فاكس : 24524497-22564072

العنوان : 9 شارع وهيب دوس , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23809804
فاكس : 23586546
بريد الألكترونى : kazaemb@intouch.com

العنوان : 3 شارع ابو الفدا , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27355815-2738529-27383155
فاكس : 27363209
بريد الألكترونى : croemb.cairo@mvpei.hr

العنوان : 26 ش كامل الشناوى , جاردن سيتى , القاهرة
تليفون : 27918700
فاكس : 27918860
الموقع : http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/cairo/
بريد الألكترونى : cairo@international.gc.ca

العنوان : 10 شارع كامل محمد , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27360651-27360656
فاكس : 27363209
الموقع : http://emba.cubaminrex.cu/egiptoar
بريد الألكترونى : cubaemb@link.net

كوت ديفوار
العنوان : 9 شارع ابراهيم سليمان , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33034373-33036374-33021352
فاكس : 33050148
الموقع : http://ambaci-egypte.org . www.ambaci-egypte.org
بريد الألكترونى : ambacicaire@yahoo.fr

كوريا الجنوبية
العنوان : 3 شارع بوليس حنا , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : -7-37611234
فاكس : 37611238-33357066

كوريا الشمالية
العنوان : 6 شارع الصالح ايوب , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27369532
فاكس : 27358219

العنوان : 6 شارع الجزيرة , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27373711-27364203
فاكس : 27357429
بريد الألكترونى : eelcairo@minrelext.gov.co

العنوان : 29 ش القدس الشريف , المهندسين , الجيزه
تليفون : 33453907-33453628
فاكس : 33026979
الموقع : http://www.kenemb-cairo.com
بريد الألكترونى : info@kenemb-cairo.com

العنوان : نايل سيتي تاورز ,كورنيش النيل الدور 22 ,مكتب رقم 2224
تليفون : 24618587

العنوان : 22 ش المنصور محمد , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27382823-27382824-27382825
فاكس : 27382818

العنوان : 7 شارع الصالح ايوب , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27367864-27351269
فاكس : 27359319

العنوان : 31,شارع احمد حشمت, الدور الاول,الزماللك القاهرة
تليفون : 27365597
فاكس : 27356094

العنوان : 47 شارع احمد حشمت , الزمالك , القاهره
تليفون : 27364329
فاكس : 27364326

العنوان : 5 ,شارع احمد المليهي,الدقي
تليفون : 33369161-33375496
فاكس : 33369758
بريد الألكترونى : lesothocairo@yahoo.com

العنوان : شارع 214, دجلة المعادي
تليفون : 25172100
فاكس : 25172122
بريد الألكترونى : dkpkairo@mfa.gov.mk

العنوان : فيلا رقم 3 , شارع الاسماعيليه , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37480929
فاكس : 33353948
بريد الألكترونى : malawi@link.com.eg

العنوان : 15 شارع جعفر الصديق , مدينه نصر , القاهرة
فاكس : 22634048

العنوان : 1 ش الصالح ايوب , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27362368-27362369
فاكس : 27362371
بريد الألكترونى : maltaembassy.cairo@gov.mt

العنوان : 3 شارع الكوثر , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33371641-33371895
فاكس : 33371841
بريد الألكترونى : ambmalicaire@yahoo.fr

العنوان : 21 ش الأعناب , المهندسين , الجيزه
تليفون : 37610013-37610073-37610085-37610068
فاكس : 37610216
بريد الألكترونى : mwcairo@soficom.com.eg

العنوان : فيلا 29 , الطريق 17 , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23786647
فاكس : 23786647
بريد الألكترونى : dkpkairo@mfa.gov.mk

مملكة البحرين
العنوان : 15 شارع البرازيل , الزمالك, القاهرة
تليفون : 27366605-27366612-27367997
فاكس : 27366609

العنوان : 14 شارع 152 , المعادى , القاهرة
تليفون : 23586012-23591670
فاكس : 23586012-23591670
بريد الألكترونى : monemby@link.net

العنوان : 114 شارع محيى الدين ابو العز -الدقى,الجيزة
تليفون : 27491048-27490671
فاكس : 27489060-27490699

العنوان : 156 شارع السودان , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 37618102-37618103
فاكس : 37618101
بريد الألكترونى : embamaur@thewayout.net

العنوان : 24 شارع بابل , من شارع مصدق , الدقى , الجيزة
تليفون : 37605505-37486389
فاكس : 37486378
بريد الألكترونى : emozcai@link.net

العنوان : رقم 24 شارع محمد مظهر , الزمالك , القاهره
تليفون : 27362644-27363123
فاكس : 27357712-27363450
بريد الألكترونى : embassy-myanmar@access.com.eg

العنوان : 71 شارع سوريا , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33477216
فاكس : 33477216
بريد الألكترونى : embanicegipto@menanet.net

العنوان : 23 شارع الحسن , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 37603426-37612311
فاكس : 33374447
بريد الألكترونى : ne@nepalembassyegypt.org

العنوان : 13شارع الجبلاية , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27353907-27356042-27367894
فاكس : 27357359

العنوان : 2 شارع طلعت حرب , القاهره
تليفون : 25749360 -25749361-25749362- 25744599
فاكس : 25744212-25749369

العنوان : 5 شارع الاسراء , المهندسين , الجيزة
تليفون : 33441337-33033753
فاكس : 33441338

العنوان : 18 شارع حسن صبرى , الزمالك , القاهرة
تليفون : 27395500
فاكس : 27365249
بريد الألكترونى : az-cz@hollandemb.org.eg


How To Delete Your FaceBook Account

Dump FacebookHow To Delete Your FaceBook Account
  • STEP 1: Back up your contacts from Facebook and notify your friends.
    You are about to begin the wonders of a Facebook-free existence.  This means that you won‘t have access to your FB contacts anymore, so you should transfer them to your local address book, e-mail program, or other method of staying in touch.  Most people‘s e-mail addresses can be found under the “Info” tab of their profile.  If they have this hidden from you, you‘re probably not actual friends anyway so don't worry about it.
    You may want to send your contacts an e-mail letting them know you will no longer be on Facebook.  Here is a sample:
    Howdy Y‘all,

    I‘ve decided that Facebook and I are through.  We gave it a good run and have decided to still be friends.  But not really, since I‘ve decided to leave Facebook forever.

    If you need to get in touch with me, please use good old-fashioned e-mail.  I can be reached at thehalesgroup@gmail.com

    I also have a phone! If you want to hear my melodious voice, give me a call at 818-555-0944.  It would be nice to actually talk to some of my friends rather than just getting invites to play Farmville.

    And I even have an address.  If you want to drop by, I live at 64 Shoeaowe Ave.  Stop by, or send me a letter via Pony Express.  If you come over I may even show you my vacation photos, since they will no longer be on Facebook.  I may even serve tea and biscuits/beer and chips, whichever is deemed more appropriate by local custom.

    Non-Facebookally yours,

    Joey Jones
  • STEP 2: Uninstall any Facebook apps that use your account.
    In order for your account to be permanently deleted, you must not log into it after completing the account deletion process.  That includes not logging in via iPhone, Blackberry, or Motorola DynaTAC.  These may unintentionally cause you to remain logged in even after you attempt to delete your account, which Facebook interprets as you not really wanting to leave them.  While you could just log out of these apps, the safest measure would be to get rid of them entirely. And besides, what use in your new life would these apps be?
  • STEP 3: Tell Facebook you want to delete your account.
    OK, now that you‘ve taken care of business and put the word out, it‘s time to quit.

    Go to this top-secret URL:

    This is where Facebook will try to con you into staying.  Don‘t buy their dirty lies.  Some of your friends may also have told you not to leave.  They are not your real friends, especially that guy you only worked with for two months and always writes updates about mountain biking.

    Click on “Submit” to begin the wild ride.
  • STEP 4: Confirm your decision.
    “You are about to permanently delete your account.  Are you sure?”
    This scary red text is designed to make people‘s moms turn back.  You are not your mom.  Continue with a high head and clear conscience.  Freedom is only a few keystrokes away -- type in your password, answer the captcha and click “Okay”.
  • STEP 5: Again, confirm your decision.
    Finally, FB will ask if you want to permanently delete your account.
    You’re almost free.  All you need to do is click “Okay” and the delete-o-matic at Facebook will zap your account.  But wait! You’re not out of the Facebook woods yet....
  • STEP 6: Don't log into Facebook.
    You've just been kicked back out to the login screen.  DON’T LOG IN!  If you log in any time in the next two weeks, Facebook will automatically reactivate your account in a super-sneaky move showcasing why they’re the worst in the business.
    Let’s repeat that to make sure it’s clear.

    If you log in at your friend’s house... your account will be reactivated.

    If you log in at the public library... your account will be reactivated.

    If you log in while loitering at The Apple Store... your account will be reactivated.

    If you log in at work then a) get back to work and b) your account will be reactivated!

  • STEP 7: Ignore the e-mail Facebook sends.
    You will receive an e-mail saying your account is scheduled for deletion.  In order to keep things going according to schedule (you guessed it) don’t log in or your account will be reactivated.
    Take these two weeks to reflect on all the additional time you have.  Maybe visit an optometrist to see how much better your vision is now that you’re not being constantly inundated with bullshit ads and updates from people you’re not actually friends with.

    Here are a few things you can do with your extra time:

    • Take a walk.
    • Meet a lady/gentleman.
    • Marry them and have a family.
    • Attend a local sports match and root for the home team (Optional: Root for the away team).
    • Sleep in.
    • Visit 4 of your actual friends, instead of reading about your 400 Facebook friends.
  • STEP 8 (Optional): Don't click either button Facebook presents you with if you accidentally log in.
    If you’re tempted to log into Facebook - don’t do it! In fact, we’ve gone ahead and done it for you.  If you crack under the pressure and log in, this is the ugly screen you’ll be faced with:
    “Deactivate Account” - Don’t do this! Your account will become deactivated rather than deleted.  This means all your info is still stored on the Facebook servers.  Remember, even though they both start with D, Deactivation is not Deletion.  If, for whatever reason, you've clicked that button, or are just curious about what it's like to live in this limbo state, see our other page, How To Deactivate Your Facebook Account.

    “Cancel Request” - Don’t do this either! You’ll be cancelling your request, and you’ll be back to square one.
    Just close the browser/browser tab.  It may feel like you're hurting Facebook's feelings but trust us, silently leaving is for the best.
  • Questions?  Contact us at theHalesGroup@gmail.com.


FIFA 14 next gen preview

With the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 due to arrive next month, Nick Akerman goes hands-on with the next generation version of the world’s favourite football video game and talks to the man tasked with taking advantage of the new technology.

Formats: Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Developer: EA Canada
Publisher: EA Sports
Released: 22 November (Xbox One), 29 November (PlayStation 4)

FIFA 14 has scored its most important goal before even heading onto the next-gen pitch. EA Canada’s handshake with Microsoft ensures anyone who purchases the Xbox One Day One Edition will receive a digital version of the football sim, while those trading in their current generation copy at GAME can make the transition for the enticing sum of £10.
These are remarkably confident agreements, especially when you consider the current-gen version’s first week sales trail last year’s by 24%. With Pro Evolution Soccer yet to signal its next-gen intent, FIFA 14 is in the enviable position of strutting onto the shiniest field console gaming has ever produced without an opponent.
Even so, EA isn’t about to switch from attacking tactics. I spoke to producer Nick Channon at a recent hands-on in Guildford, a meeting that concluded the studio’s whistle-stop promotional tour around Europe. Maintaining his enthusiasm after a hectic schedule, Channon described the team’s expectations and sense of accomplishment as FIFA 14 warms up for next-gen release.
“This year we had pretty lofty ambitions with the game and I think we’ve achieved pretty much all of them,” Channon said. “It’s a real challenge to bring the game to a new console, you’re developing a game while the machine is being developed at the same time. It’s a challenge, but a really fun challenge, which is what we look for as developers.

This challenge extends to the current-gen title. FIFA 14’s initial release was met with cries of discontent from players whose experience has been spoiled by gameplay discrepancies such as overpowered headers, deadly finesse shots and alarmingly accurate through balls.
Channon explains that, while changes have been made to the game that is already available, these alterations have also been applied to the next-gen launch product. “We made changes to the HD version in the last week with the patch coming out, we’ve balanced that, but that’s something we wanted to make sure was balanced here as well.”
While I believe the current-gen FIFA 14’s recent update fails to sufficiently address aforementioned problems within the game—most prominently, the difficulty of defending corners—it’s encouraging that many of the current title’s frustrating inconsistencies are overcome in its technologically advanced brethren. Graphical prowess is obviously galvanised, but it’s a conglomeration of subtle tweaks that make FIFA 14 next-gen worth getting excited for.
Channon pinpointed the addition of “Human Intelligence” in his presentation before the hands-on. This is designed to ensure your team react realistically, show awareness of developing situations and anticipate phases of play before they unfold. Minor occurrences—such as being able to shift your weight and ride incoming tackles—utilise the Xbox One and PlayStation 4’s additional memory to ensure a greater variety of animations.
As summarised by Channon, FIFA 14 on the current-gen has reached full capacity in this respect. Animations now follow a one-in-one-out model, limiting the uniqueness of each match. Putting claims of abundant animation and improved physicality to the test, it’s immediately clear that corners are no longer stacked in favour of the attacking team. Channon provided an explanation, “Now we’ve got multiple players going for the ball there’s situations where there’s a couple of defenders going up, so there’s more chance—maybe you’ve got one in front and one behind—of clearing the ball.

The implementation of such micro enhancements is exactly what FIFA 14 needs. After all, football fans across the globe have the opportunity to scour in-depth stats and real-world analysis at the touch of a button. Tiny tactical details—such as Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho’s decision to deploy a “False 9” against Man Utd at Old Trafford recently—have become big news. Channon knows this and suggests building a greater strategic scope is high on EA’s list of priorities. “The feedback we’ve been given [about last year’s game] was that everyone was relying completely on sprinting, and ultimately, that’s not football. Football is building play, spreading play, switching play, that’s why we’ve added a lot of the animations to gen-four.
“We want you to think differently and create goals in different ways,” Channon continued. “People would start to score goals in the same way, but now we allow you to build games up and look at different ways to score. When you play online you come up against opponents who are doing those things, so you have to adapt. That was definitely the reason for making the change. That was the goal for the game. You can still use pace, you can still use sprint, but you can’t rely on it completely.”
Channon’s assertion will have those who favour possession-based football rejoicing. Intricate short passes allow you to patiently open space, while quickening play gives your team the ability to notch an inter-linking goal in the style of Jack Wilshere’s recent strike against Norwich. Now multiple individuals can challenge for the ball at the same time, switching play is a useful tool and not a novelty that is quickly forgotten.
Sending a fast-paced pass across the ground is met with sprays of water in rainy conditions, while grass flicks up off the turf and settles elsewhere. Each encounter runs without interruption—players fetch the ball and carry it to where set pieces should be taken—alongside an array of highlights that pinpoint key moves, great tackles and reactions. With over 100 cameras ready to pick up the action, including the wired Skycam that appears in major competition finals, presentation mimics TV broadcasts with an authenticity that outweighs anything the series has conjured up before.

As I got used to playing with a default camera that is positioned lower and closer to the pitch, a design choice which emphasises the fully 3D crowd, Channon confirmed EA’s conscious attempt at modifying FIFA 14’s next-gen display. “One of the things we wanted to do was to rework presentation. We ended up rewriting it. We felt scripted NIS isn’t a next-gen thing. Having the ability to be more dynamic, having the ability where the AI runs it is really something you can only do on next-gen. We wanted to take the opportunity to do it.”
Such a thoughtful, considered approach is echoed on the pitch with gameplay that challenges you to imprint your own personality. Subtle changes elevate possibilities and force a consideration of exactly what next-gen consoles can achieve once full power is harnessed. For Channon, attention remains focused on a title that has cruised through development without a major hitch.
“It’s been a lot of hard work, but we have a very talented team. I know it’s not news, but there’s not been a lot that has stumped us,” he joked. “I don’t think there’s anything particular we missed, or that we just couldn’t get in, we’ve very pleased with how the game has finished up. It feels very different to the current-gen.

FIFA 14 has the opportunity to make a lasting impression on those taking the next-gen leap, something it has certainly achieved with myself. Considering Pro Evolution Soccer’s absence and upcoming console deals that feverishly promote EA’s game, it’s the kind of transition that echoes Gareth Bale’s transfer to Real Madrid. Just like the Welsh Wizard’s ability to sell shirts, FIFA 14 will shift a significant amount of units, and upon first inspection, is also ready to net a debut goal in its new home.

Top 10 Tablets

The 10 best tablets

From Apple’s iPad to Google’s Android Nexus 7, tablet computers let you browse the web, check emails and download apps, all at the touch of a touchscreen. Matt Warman rounds up the top 10.

From £199

If you use the internet, you almost certainly use Amazon, and if you read books it’s increasingly certain that you also own a Kindle. The Kindle Fire HDX is Amazon’s attempt to move those who already download books into the burgeoning category of those who also download music, film and TV. And while Amazon does indeed let you browse the web or use email on the Fire HDX, more than anything else it is a device for browsing the company’s own store and watching media. As such, it’s got a lovely screen, offering an exceptional resolution with 323 pixels per inch on the 7-inch version. The tablets have quad-core Snapdragon 800 processors running at 2.2 GHz, providing over three times the processing power of the previous generation of Kindle Fire HD tablets. Amazon claims that the devices have 11 hours of battery life based on mixed usage, and up to 17 hours of reading.
Screen 7” 1920x1200 Weight 303g Storage 16/32/64GB OS Android 4.2 with Fire OS 3.0 UI Processor 2.2GHz Quad-core

iPad Air
From £399

While Android phones have caught up with the iPhone, and in many aspects surpass it, the iPad remains a unique proposition and the iPad Air is the best iPad yet. Its light weight and thin form mean it gets out of the way – you don’t notice it, but you notice what you’re doing on it. That, potentially, unleashes a new generation of tablet-based productivity. The fact that Apple is now giving away even more software means that perhaps the rebranding is, therefore, more than simply a marketing exercise. Air may yet be the oxygen for a new wave of uses for the iPad.
Screen 240 x 169.5 x 7.5mm Weight 469g Screen 9.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit display, 2048x1536 resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Processor dual channel (2.4GHz and 5GHz) and MIMO OS A7 chip with 64-bit architecture and M7 motion coprocessor Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n) Camera Front: 1.2MP photos/720p HD video Rear: 5MP photos/1080p HD video

iPad Mini with Retina Display
From £319

The advantage of the Mini, even when it had lower specifications, was always its portability, however. It retains that, augmented now with a brilliant screen that makes reading, editing photos and more seem significantly easier. But with the iPad Air now much more portable too, there’s less to choose between them. The 5MP camera, adequate stereo speakers and a good FaceTime camera make the Mini a superb device, but the Air is a superb device too. This is a seriously improved Mini, only really competing against a seriously improved full-size iPad. Both have processors that make gaming and the most demanding apps run smoothly. It is the only tablet in its class.
Screen 7.9-inch Retina Weight 331g Storage 16/32/64/128GB OS iOS7 Processor M7 motion coprocessor. A7 chip with 64-bit architecture Camera Front: 1.2MP Rear: 5MP
New Google Nexus 7
From £199.99

The updated version of Google’s Nexus 7 hit UK shelves on 13 September. Produced again by hardware company Asus, the emphasis with the new model is on portability, weighing 50g less than last year’s version and coming in at 2mm thinner. And as with its predecessor, one serious advantage over competitors is its price: £199.99 for the 16GB version and £239.99 for the 32GB. Early reviews report improved graphics on the Nexus 7 2’s 1920 x 1200 Full HD 1080 display, a first for 7-inch tablets with 323 pixels per inch. It also offers the possibility of restricted profiles, allowing limits to be set for children’s browsing, and faster switching between accounts. Taking pictures may not be the primary function of tablets, but this one still comes with a 5MP camera on the back and a 1.2MP camera on the front.
Screen 7.02” 1920x1200 Weight 290g Storage 16/32GB OS Android Jelly Bean, 4.3 Processor 1.5GHz quadcore

Xperia Tablet Z
From £399

Sony’s Xperia Tablet Z is the companion device to its (xcellent) Xperia Z mobile phone, and both use a slimline design that is stylish, angular, waterproof and dustproof. The Tablet Z is a lightweight 495g and just 6.9mm thick, yet it gave me a great battery life of more than seven hours. It feels more futuristic even than the iPad simply because it is so implausibly thin and lasts so long. And while I must confess I had no need or urge to test out its waterproof features, that addition is a useful thing to have too. It’s the tablet you could take into the bath if you really can’t put down that book or magazine.
Screen 10.1" 1200 x 1920 Weight 495g Storage 16/32 GB OS Android 4.2 Processor 1.5 GHz quadcore

Galaxy Note 2
From £449

At 5.5”, the Galaxy Note 2 is both a phone and a tablet - hence the ‘phablet’ moniker. But as much of the appeal comes the unique S-Pen technology. This stylus allows you to garner extra information about what’s on the device’s screen simply by hovering above it, and the superfast processor means that this is a device that is as comfortable as a media consumption device as it is as a work unit. For some that means the Note 2 is neither one thing nor the other, but many people still use this it as their main, sole device. It may look like an over-sized phone, but its advantages are considerable. Large screen and impressive capabilities aside, it’s also blazing a new trail.
Screen 5.5” 1280x720 Weight 183g Storage 16/32/64GB, microSD OS Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Processor 1.6GHz quadcore

New iPad
From £399

The latest iPad is a beautiful design that works blazingly fast – the new processor may not technically be the fastest, but it feels slicker than any other tablet on the market. With Apple’s ‘Retina display’ the company also has a screen that is, again, not technically the best on the market but somehow looks arguably more lovely. And now that there are 4G options and a 128GB version, you need never run out of storage again. If there’s a criticism of the new version it’s that it changes the dock connector so that your old cables will need replacing, and battery life could be better. But if you’re prepared to spend the money, the iPad remains – and certainly feels – like the best full-size tablet on the market. Web browsing, emails and more never felt so elegant.
Screen 9.7” 2048x1536 Weight 652g Storage 16/32/64/128GB OS iOS6.1 Processor 1.4GHz dualcore

Microsoft Surface 2
From £359

The Surface 2, which replaces the Surface RT, is powered by an NVIDIA Tegra 4 processor, making apps run faster and smoother, increasing battery life to up to 10 hours for video playback. It will ship with Windows RT 8.1, bringing improvements in areas such as personalisation, search, multitasking, built-in apps, the Windows Store experience and connectivity to cloud-based storage. The latest version of the operating system is built for touchscreens such as the Surface, and indeed this device really does make the operating system make more sense than on a conventional laptop. The tablet is also marginally thinner and lighter than its predecessor, at 0.35 inches (9mm) thick and 1.49 lbs (676g). Surface feels like a lovely product with some great ideas, not least the ultra-slim keyboard. But it’s a device in search of a market.
Screen 10.6” 1920x1080 Weight 676g Storage 32/64GB OS Windows RT 8.1 Processor NVIDIA Tegra 4

Galaxy Note 10.1

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 10.1 is the company’s most serious attempt to change the face of computing yet – that A4 notepad can, Samsung hope, be replaced by this computerised version, which with the S-Pen you can write notes on, and then later on in the day you can watch films and TV shows too. It’s the ultimate work and play device, the company hopes, and can arguable take on the iPad on all fronts and more. Those are lofty ambitions and for early-adopting technology fans there is a lot to like in the Note 10.1. But it hardly heralds the paperless office yet, because the handwriting recognition isn’t perfect, and it also struggles because the screen isn’t up to the quality of its rivals. With 4G connectivity, however, there’s much to like the Note for – it’s a product for geeks for now, but it heralds at least part of the future. It’s also a super-charged version of the S-Pen-free Galaxy Tab 10.1.
Screen 10.1” 1280x800 Weight 600g Storage 16/32/64/128GB, microSD OS Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Processor 1.4GHz quadcore

Nexus 10
From £319

Like the Nexus 7, Google’s Nexus 10 offers a great tablet at a really great price – unfortunately with the this larger model feels like it doesn’t quite have the class of the Nexus 7. That’s not because the screen isn’t fantastic, or because the build-quality isn’t perfectly decent. Rather it’s because of details, such as the way the case replaces the speaker cover, so you can’t easily remove it, and above all the fact that this good hardware revelas the lack of premium tablet apps for Android. On a screen this nice, there should be more to do than simply read books or watch films. Where the iPad provides that, with apps such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s Anatomy offering a novel experience, the Nexus 10 only reveals that Google has a way to go. But not being as good as the iPad is not a major barrier when the price is this attractive. Indeed, the Nexus 10 is still cheaper than the two-generations-old iPad 2.
Screen 10.1” 2560x1600 Weight 603g Storage 16/32GB OS Android 4.2 Processor 1.7GHz quadcore

Best of the rest...

Apple iPad Mini
From £269

Apple’s iPad was the best tablet on the market from the moment it launched, thanks to more apps than anyone else, a beautiful screen and an ease of use that was peerless. Then the iPad Mini was launched. Despite Steve Jobs’ own reservations, it turns out that in fact the 8” screen size strikes the perfect balance between ease of use and portability. It feels more natural to integrate the iPad Mini into daily life than any other device – whether it’s checking a quick email, browsing the web or downloading an app, the Mini is an easier gateway. With a 4G version available, too, it’s got excellent connectivity wherever you are. The downside is that the full-size iPad’s screen is bigger and, on balance, the Mini doesn’t offer the best value for money when compared to other tablets. But it does offer the best user experience, at least until Android develops more of the ‘coffee table’ apps that make the iPad such a joy. The thin, lightweight design is unsurpassed.
Screen 7.9” 1024x768 Weight 308g Storage 16/32/64GB OS iOS 6.1 Processor 1GHz dualcore

Asus Transformer Prime

This updated version of the Asus Pad Transformer Prime was released last year, but may still be worth the investment. The high-definition, 10.1-inch screen with 1280 x 800 resolution has earned praise, and is a definite bonus for those planning on watching films or playing games on the tablet. The Transformer label comes from the keyboard which can be snapped on to turn the tablet into a laptop, making the product useful for people working on the go too. Manufacturers say the battery life is 18 hours, but reviewers have seen it wind down before this and the device can only be charged from the mains and not via USB. In terms of pictures, the Transformer Prime offers an 8MP autofocus camera on the back and 1.2MP front-facing camera for selfies and Skype calls.
Screen 10.1” 1280 x 800 Weight 586g Storage 16/32GB OS Android Honeycomb, 3.2 Processor 1.3GHz quadcore

iPad 2
From £329

The only real reason not to buy the iPad 2 is that a better one is now available – but with iOS5 updated to iOS6, decent battery life and a great price, the iPad 2 offers everything that made the original iPad so impressive. That means a huge library of luxurious apps, plus effortless web browsing, decent email and the design that made Apple the leader in its field. At £329, this is by no means the cheapest tablet on the market, but it remains one of the most capable, and it is of course compatible with all the accessories that are built around Apple’s ecosystem. The original connector means your old cables will work, too.
Screen 9.7” 1024x768 Weight 601g Storage 16GB OS iOS5 Processor 1GHz dualcore

Kindle Fire HD
From £159

Although the new Kindle Fire HDX is a considerable improvement, it is worth considering the Kindle Fire HD simply because of the lower price and because it is still a great production. It boasts the entire Andoird app selection, and nifty additions such as X-Ray easily let you see whoever is on screen a film, too.
Screen 7” 1280x800 Weight 395g Storage 16/32GB OS Android (adapted) Processor 1.2GHz dualcore

Tesco Hudl

Tesco's low cost Android device with 7” HD screen aims to make tablets accessible to a new market. Tesco Clubcard customers can even use a scheme called 'Boost' to double the value of their Clubcard benefits, potentially buying the device for £60 in vouchers. It competes with Amazon’s 7” Kindle Fire, which currently retails for £99 but features less memory and a slower processor. The device will run on the Jelly Bean version of Android’s operating system, and offer 9.5 hours of battery life. Tesco will preload it apps such as YouTube, and has built bespoke versions of its existing digital services such as Blinkbox for films and music as well as its family-focused free service Clubcard TV. It is available in four colours and includes 16GB of storage, expandable to 48GB. It is aiming at a market that isn't technology savvy but is interested, is aware of the iPad, and knows that apps, the internet offer a whole new world from a shopping and entertainment perspective.
Screen 7” 1440x900 Weight 370g Storage 8GB up to 32GB with microSD card OS Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Processor 1.5GHz A9 quad-cor

Nokia Lumia 2520

The Lumia 2520 is Nokia's first 'phablet' smartphone, meaning it works as a tablet and a phone. It is a high-end device with a 10.1-inch screen and five-point multitouch. The case is made from a single piece of plastic which tapers thinner towards the edges and will come in a range of bright colours Gorilla Glass 2 has been used on the screen for robustness, and LTE connectivity makes it usable even when away from a wifi connection. The latest Windows RT 8.1 OS will also ship with the device. Nokia has also launched an optional "power keyboard" which forms a protective cover and also gives you a full keyboard and trackpad, as well as adding an extra five hours battery life to the 2520's existing 11-hours. It is launching in time for Christmas in the last quarter of this year.
Screen 10.1” 1920x1080 Weight 615g Storage 32GB and microSD card OS Windows 8.1 RT Processor 2.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800

Asus MeMo Pad

This 7-inch tablet uses Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and comes in a colourful design. The added bonus is it is being given away for free with The Telegraph, if you subscribe for a year. It has seven hours of battery life for all-day computing, and is very light at only 358g, and 11.2mm thin. The front camera is high-definition, and it has a micro-SD slot with support for up to 32GB extra storage. ASUS WebStorage allows you to view, edit and save Microsoft Office files online. It also uses MyCloud and MyLibrary software and has one GB memory.
Screen 7” 1024 x 600 Weight 358g Storage 8/16GB and micro-SD OS Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Processor WM8950 1GHz quadcore 

If you know a Device that should be included on this list please leave comment!

My Kindle wont connect to my router?

If it's happening on more than one device, it's a problem with the router, says Rick Maybury

My husband has owned a Kindle for about 15 months and up until a few weeks ago there were no issues. However he is now finding that the device will not stay connected to our router. He has tried changing the channel on the router among other things but all without success. I would add that a smart TV that we have owned for about 2 years also refuses to connect at times which is also a new development. I have a 5 year old laptop which continues to stay connected via Wi-Fi. We are totally perplexed. I am anxious about this issue because I would like to buy a small tablet but am afraid that it too will exhibit connection problems. Can you offer us any advice?
J Foreman, by email
Since this happened suddenly and affects several devices, it points to a problem with the router.
A hardware fault is a possibility but first, try a full factory reset. Routers can become tired and confused after a year or more of constant use and a reset clears the cache memories and wipes settings that may have drifted, changed or become corrupted. It appears that you know your way around your router’s set up menu so you should know how to carry out the reset, but before you do, backup the current configuration.
If it has a built-in backup facility use that or take screen shots of the menus. This is also a good opportunity to strengthen your router’s security by creating a new, long WPA passkey and, if your router has the facility, set up MAC address filtering, to restrict access to the Internet and your network to nominated devices.

Facebook 'three times more popular than Twitter'

Research finds 45 per cent list Facebook among their three most frequently visited apps, while just 13 per cent say the same for Twitter

A smartphone user shows the Facebook application on his phone in Zenica

Facebook is more than three times as popular as Twitter on mobile and a host of other apps, according to a survey.
Of smartphone buyers asked to name the three most frequently used apps on their mobile phones, 45 per cent said Facebook, while 13 per cent said Twitter and 11 per cent said Candy Crush Saga, the popular mobile game.
The survey of 500 phones buyers in the US between June and September of this year shows that Facebook is unchallenged as the leading app on smartphones, according to the company which conducted the research.
Mike Levin, co-founder of Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), said: “Facebook just dominates mobile phones, in terms of most frequent use, not just downloads.
“For most other apps, including some well-known ones like YouTube and Pandora, fewer than 10 per cent of phone buyers included them among the most frequently used”.
Twitter has 15 million active users in the UK, the company revealed in September, representing about a quarter of the country's population.

Silicon Roundabout gets 300Mbps 4G network

Companies in the East London technology cluster will be the first in the country to benefit from EE's lightning-fast 4G speeds

Silicon Roundabout – the area of East London that is home to around 1,300 tech start-ups, small businesses and entrepreneurs – has become the first area in the UK to get access to EE's 300Mbps mobile network, which will be rolled out commercially in 2014.
EE will be giving selected companies in the area privileged access to the network, which offers speeds that are up to three times faster than the fastest fixed-line broadband service. Tech City accredited businesses can sign up for a bespoke package that offers discounts on line-rental, mobile broadband and accessories.
The partnership will also see EE prioritise Tech City for all of its new network innovations, and provide a mentoring programme for small businesses in the early stages of growth. The company plans to open up the APIs of its 4G network, so that developers can create new products and services, and get them to market faster.
“Game-changing investments such as EE’s 300Mbps network will catalyse the next wave of innovation and creativity in digital, creative and technology businesses. It will allow them to connect to new markets around the world and supports the growth of our brightest and best businesses,” said Joanna Shields, chief executive of Tech City.
The news was announced by Prime Minister David Cameron, on the third anniversary of the launch of the government's 'Tech City' initiative, which is intended to generate a cluster of technology companies comparable to Silicon Valley in the United States.

According to independently produced figures, the number of tech companies in London increased 76 percent between 2009 and 2012, growing from 49,969 to 88,215. Over a quarter of all job growth in London comes from the tech/digital sector, with approximately 582,000 people now employed by the sector in London.
"The world of business is changing rapidly and one of the most promising opportunities for new jobs and growth lies within a new wave of high growth, highly innovative digital businesses," said Cameron.
"This is why, as part of our plan to help Britain succeed, we established Tech City UK to support the creation of a technology cluster in East London and committed to help these businesses to become cornerstones of our economy."
He added that while the growth of London's tech cluster has been impressive, the government is determined to build a rebalanced economy and get behind entrepreneurs in the dozens of technology clusters, accelerators and start-up incubators across Britain.
The government outlined further action intended to boost growth in the digital technology sector, including a new 'Exceptional Talent' visa, and a new index on the London Stock Exchange that expands the definition of a 'digital-services company' to cover more internet-driven retail, travel and leisure stocks.
Commenting on David Cameron’s announcement, Tim Kay, Head of KPMG’s high growth technology team based in Shoreditch said that technology is one of the key industries for the 21st century, generating economic output and employment and underpinning the growth of other industries.
“The required fix to obtaining sufficient tech talent in the UK is complex and a long term project which essentially should start in our schools, but today’s announcement to give world-class technology experts fast-tracked visas will enhance our reputation globally as a tech destination," said Kay.
“The tech movement in London has grown significantly, thanks in part to the support of the government. However, if the UK is to become a serious contender to other international destinations, other tech hubs across the UK are must be supported. Accordingly, funding to encourage specialist clusters in Wales and the North-East should be welcomed."
Also coinciding with Tech City's third birthday, software company Pivotal, which is headed up by renound South African computer scientist Paul Maritz, has announced an investment of £100m in Tech City over the next ten years and the opening of a European headquarters in Old Street with 75 staff in place from January 2014.
Valued at $1 billion earlier this year, this investment makes Pivotal one of the largest technology start-ups to choose the UK as the centre for its European operations.
“Tech City is one of the most exciting technology eco-systems in the world right now, thanks to its fantastic and dynamic mix of talent, infrastructure and the active support of the UK government," said Maritz.

10 ways to make slow computer run faster

Many people will be planning on upgrading their laptop or PC this Christmas, but here are 10 ways of avoiding a costly new purchase

Instead of consigning your old computer to the dump, here are 10 ways to make it run faster

1) Uninstall unused programs
New PCs come with a whole load of programs you will never use, and you probably don’t even know they exist.
Some programs even run background processes when you load your computer, even though you are not using them.
To remove all these pointless programs, open the Control Panel’s Programs and Features page, and have a trawl through the list of installed software. Uninstall those that you do not need, while being careful to leave programs your computer’s hardware needs (typically their publisher will be listed as the PC maker’s name or as Microsoft).
If you are still unsure about which programs to use, try a third-party called such as PC Decrapifier – it’s free for non-commercial use – which should tell you which programs you don’t want or need. 

2) Automatically delete temporary files

Temporary files amass on your computer through everyday tasks and can remain on your hard disk, slowing the computer down. Getting rid of these files, including your internet history and cookies, should give you a larger amount of hard disk space, speeding up your PC.
To do this, open “My Computer”, and select your local drive (usually C:\). Select the “Windows” folder and then open the folder titled “Temp”.
Use your mouse to right-click on the folder, and in the “View” options, choose “Details”. Once this is done, select all the files that are older than the current date and press the delete key. Then go to the Recycle Bin on your desktop and empty it. 
3) Install a solid state drive
Hard drives are the biggest cause of slow speeds and especially slow startup speeds on your PC.
While they are not cheap, installing a solid state drive, which have extremely fast read times, can speed up your startup considerably. 
4) More hard drive storage
Even if you make sure to regularly clean out all your temporarily files, if your hard drive becomes 85 per cent full, it’s going to affect your computer’s speed.
If you regularly film videos or use your PC for recording television, then you will want as big a hard drive as you can get, upwards of 1TB in size.
Here is a handy video on how to install your new hard drive.

5) Prevent unnecessary start ups
This method will primarily affect how long it takes for your laptop or PC to startup, but often many of the programs which are launched on startup continue to run and use up your computer’s memory.
To do this, click “Start” and “Run”. In “Run”, type “msconfig” and then press enter. You should then see the “Startup” tab, with all the programs ticked the ones which will load upon your computer starting up. There is a good chance the list will contain a number of programs you might not have realised were running on your computer during startup, or even at all.
You can either manually deselect those which you do not want to load, or click “Disable All” and then select those you want to run, such as particularly important programs like anti-virus software.
Another trick can be removing all the unnecessary fonts Windows loads. Windows 7 loads more than 200 fonts on startup which can slow down the speed at which it boots up. Go to the Start Menu’s search box, search for the Fonts folder and check off all the fonts you don’t need, and click the “Hide” button in the toolbar.
6) More RAM
RAM, which stands for Random Access Memory, is the temporary storage memory used by your computer and is in use when tasks are being executed by different programs. Therefore, the more programs you use, the more RAM you need, and the slower your computer will be if you don’t have enough.
A clear indicator of not having enough RAM is if your computer slows down every time you try and process large files, or it freezes will carrying out several different actions at once.
You can either add more RAM with an extra memory stick or two, or buy getting completely new memory if all the slots are taken. There is theoretically no upper limit on the amount of RAM that you can have with a 64-bit operating system, but in practical terms 4GB is more than enough for most people.
For a handy guide on what kind of RAM you need, look here, or watch the video below on how it should be installed.

You can also find out how many RAM your computer is using in the Task Manager’s Performance tab (hit Ctrl-Shift-Esc to bring this up). 
7) Run a disk defragment
Sounds complicated, but this is basically a way of reconfiguring how your hard drive stores information for maximum efficiency.
Go to “My Computer”, right-click on the hard drive and select “Properties”. Under the “Tools” tab there should be an option to “Defragment Now”.
8) Run disk clean up
Windows also includes a built-in disk de-cluttering tool called “Disk Cleanup”.
It searches through the system for unnecessary large files such as temporary Internet files, program installers, and so on.
Open Disk Cleanup by clicking “Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup”. 
9) Give your computer a static IP
Another trick for speeding up your computer loading time is to give your computer a static IP address that never changes.
When you startup your computer, it spends a decent amount of time asking the network for an IP address. Not only does having a static IP address make the network easier to manage (particularly if you have several devices using the same network), but it also cuts time off your startup.
To do this, visit the “Network and Sharing Center”, and select “Change adapter settings”. Right click on your local adapter and select “Properties”. You then need to highlight what should be titled “Internet Protocoal Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and click the properties button.
In “Use the following IP address” enter in the correct IP, Subnet mask, and Default gateway which correspond with your network setup.
Make sure to check “Validate settings upon exit” so Windows can find any problems with the addresses you entered.
To find out what your IP, subnet mask and default gateway are, go to “Start” and then “Run”, and type in “cmd”. At the command prompt, type “IPCONFIG/All” and it should come up, as shown below.

10) Hoovering out the dust
Again, this sounds a tad radical, but dust is your computer’s enemy. It can impede airflow, which is vital to keeping your computer’s temperature down, and if your computer is overheating, it is likely it will slow down its performance to cope.
(Incidentally, overheating will also make it impossible to use programs such as Skype, because for the person on the other end of the conversation it constantly sounds like an aeroplane is taking off).
If you have a desktop or a laptop, you can take off the computer’s exterior and use a hoover on a low power setting to try and remove some of the dust. Make sure your computer has been switched off for at least 30 minutes and that all cables are disconnected before starting your clean.
Use your hoover with a small attachment, and try either the reverse setting to blow air into the vents and push the dust out, or use its standard suction to try and extract some of the dust.

Thanks for reading and if u like just one comment.

VPN App and VPN Plugin

Why a VPN app is always better than a VPN plugin If you want to use the internet privately and securely, then you need a VPN. But with a...